
Always be prepared

"Always be prepared to make defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you". 1 Peter 3:15  . ( This was the theme of the World Youth Day held in Rome, Italy 1986, established by Pope John Paul II in  1984) The aforementioned theme was helpful to me the day I went to the office of Dean of Students affairs University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Prof. Edwin O. . It was around around May last year and it was when the Federal tertiary institutions were on strike,  I actually went to have my scholarship award letter to be signed and attested by the Dean as demanded by NNPC/SPDC ventures, but before that, I was told by  my roommate  that anytime you have anything to do with Dean, that you should expect this question " have you given your life to Christ"?  I really doubted him not until that day that the question came  knocking on my door. It was a long argument as my interlocutor digressed from giving life to Christ to speaking ills of the Dog...